
Sam Smith-Writing's On The Wall 





釋出當天很忙又很累,直到今天看到Connie Talbot的翻唱我才熊熊想起來這首釋出啦!!!


言歸正傳,對於James Bond的熱愛我就不談了,這樣文章大概要寫個三天三夜還寫不完

只能說電影公司眼光很好!第23集【空降危機】(Skyfall)請到了天后Adele演唱同名主題曲,第24集【惡魔四伏】(Spectre)則是由今年得了四項葛萊美獎Sam Smith擔綱主題曲演唱者!


btw,這次是Daniel Craig最後一次演出Bond,好想看他繼續演(哭),期待11月進電影院看他和Léa Seydoux,也希望下一任Bond不要令我失望!




「這絕對是我音樂事業裡的高峰。我很榮幸中於能告訴各位007第24集電影主題曲將由我演唱。我很興奮能夠運用自己在音樂上的靈感,參與這部英國人心中極為經典的電影主題曲製作。(Writing's On The Wal為Sam及Jimmy Napes的共同製作的作品) 我希望各位都能像我一樣享受這首歌,如同我在製作時的感受。」

“This is one of the highlights of my career,” Sam said in a statement. 

“I am honored to finally announce that I will be singing the next Bond theme song. I am so excited to be a part of this iconic British legacy and join an incredible line up of some of my biggest musical inspirations. I hope you all enjoy the song as much as I enjoyed making it.” (From Just Jared)



Sam-Smith-Writing's On The Wall


I've been here before / 我曾經身處在此
But always hit the floor / 失敗了無數次
I've spent a lifetime running / 我花了大半輩子逃跑
And I always get away / 卻總是被逮個正著
But with you I'm feeling something / 當你伴我身側,我有種奇妙感覺
That makes me want to stay / 以致於我想停駐於此

I'm prepared for this / 我準備就緒
I never shoot to miss / 明白我不是為了失去而射擊
But I feel like a storm is coming / 一場風暴即將來臨
If I'm gonna make it through the day / 我知道我可以撐過去
Then there's no more use in running / 逃跑毫無意義
This is something I gotta face / 無法避免起身面對

If I risk it all / 如果我不顧一切往前奔馳
Could you break my fall? / 你能阻檔我墜落嗎?

How do I live? How do I breathe? / 我要怎麼生存?
When you're not here I'm suffocating / 你不在時我無法呼吸
I want to feel love, run through my blood / 我希望愛在我的血液裡沸騰
Tell me is this where I give it all up? / 告訴我,我是在哪放棄一切?
For you I have to risk it all / 為了你,我願意冒險
Cause the writing's on the wall / 因為我已許下諾言

A million shards of glass / 過去如同玻璃化成成千上萬的碎片
That haunt me from my past / 穿越時空,困擾著我
As the stars begin to gather / 如同群星聚合之時
And the light begins to fade / 光芒逐漸暗淡
When all hope begins to shatter / 當所有希望開始破滅
I Know that I won't be afraid / 我知道我不會退縮

If I risk it all / 如果我不顧一切往前奔馳
Could you break my fall? / 你能阻檔我墜落嗎?

How do I live? How do I breathe? / 我要怎麼生存?
When you're not here I'm suffocating / 你不在時我無法呼吸
I want to feel love, run through my blood / 我希望愛在我的血液裡沸騰
Tell me is this where I give it all up? / 告訴我,我是在哪放棄一切?
For you I have to risk it all / 為了你,我願意冒險
Cause the writing's on the wall / 因為我已許下諾言

The writing's on the wall / 我已許下諾言

How do I live? How do I breathe? / 我要怎麼生存?
When you're not here I'm suffocating / 你不在時我無法呼吸
I want to feel love, run through my blood / 我希望愛在我的血液裡沸騰
Tell me is this where I give it all up? / 告訴我,我是在哪放棄一切?
For you I have to risk it all / 為了你,我願意冒險
Cause the writing's on the wall / 因為我已許下諾言

How do I live? How do I breathe? / 我要怎麼生存?
When you're not here I'm suffocating / 你不在時我無法呼吸
I want to feel love, run through my blood / 我希望愛在我的血液裡沸騰
Tell me is this where I give it all up? / 告訴我,我是在哪放棄一切?

For you I have to risk it all / 為了你,我願意冒險
Cause the writing's on the wall / 因為我已許下諾言


歌詞來源:Just Jared



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